About Us

Statement of Purpose

Our foundation is committed to enhancing educational programs and technology for students in Shrewsbury and the wider community. We actively cultivate partnerships with the private sector, fostering collaborations that meet the diverse educational needs of our constituents.

We seek to secure financial contributions and equipment donations from businesses and individuals to advance our foundation’s educational goals and objectives. These resources enable us to provide students and educators with the necessary tools to excel in an ever-evolving educational landscape.

One of our core objectives is to support innovative programs and activities across various disciplines, including science and technology, performing and fine arts, language research and culture, and other educational domains. By promoting creativity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary learning, we aim to inspire a lifelong love for learning among our students.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to providing scholarship opportunities to graduates of Shrewsbury Borough School, facilitating their transition into Red Bank Regional High School. We believe in empowering deserving students to pursue higher education, equipping them with the means to achieve their academic and personal aspirations.

Through our collective efforts, we strive to create an educational environment that nurtures growth, fosters exploration, and empowers individuals to reach their full potential.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a future where every student at the Shrewsbury Borough School has access to transformative educational opportunities, leading-edge technology, and a supportive learning environment, enabling them to become empowered, curious, and successful lifelong learners. ​

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower and elevate the educational and technological landscape of the Shrewsbury Borough School. The Foundation is dedicated to fostering a dynamic learning environment, striving to provide comprehensive support to both students and teachers, spanning grades K-8. By procuring cutting-edge technologies, promoting innovative programs and activities, delivering impactful teacher training, and offering scholarship opportunities, we aim to propel the education of our community's students to new heights. Our hope is to nurture a culture of growth, exploration, and excellence, equipping students and educators with the tools and resources they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Board Members & Trustees

  • Chris Allora – President

  • Kathleen Daly – Vice President

  • Julianna Welker – Treasurer

  • Jessica Campanile – Co-Treasurer

  • Nicole Howard –  Secretary

  • Lindsey Curley

  • Marc Lewicki

  • Kate Gamberg

  • Colin Gigl

  • Kathleen Lange

  • Nick Tranchina

  • Tara Walsh

  • Josh Barnett

  • Katie McLoughlin

  • Adrienne Scutellaro